
All The UX Prototyping Tools Ever


Adobe XD ↗

Adobe’s answer to Sketch: a combo of design and prototyping power-packed into the same interface. Currently in beta, but rapidly evolving and preparing for a bigger release.

AnimaApp ↗

Anima has been creating a suite of great Sketch plugins, the most recent of which is Launchpad ↗. It’s actually meant for quickly scaling up marketing sites, but can be used for prototyping and proofs of concept.

Antetype ↗

A lesser known prototyping tool that boasts responsive resizing, export and handoff, and more.

AppCooker ↗

A native iPad app for creating mockups and prototyping on device.


It’s essentially Principle in the browser, with better sharing and more robust features. Import data from Google Sheets, share prototypes with a simple URL.

Avocado by Ideo ↗

Avocado is a suite of tools, built by Ideo, to be used with Quartz Composer.

Axure ↗

Axure is a more mature (2003) prototyping tool that include design, prototyping, diagramming, documentation, and more.

Balsamiq ↗

A popular wireframing and prototyping tool that is known for looking like a napkin sketch.

Briefs ↗

Briefs is a Mac + iOS combo for building prototypes.

Bubble.is ↗

Bubble lets you build actual backend and logic using a visual interface.

C4 Studio

This bad boy is currently still in alpha, but touts itself as being the After Effects of UI design.


This tool combines prototyping with usability testing, including features like task prompts and heatmaps.


Codiqa (also known as Creator Classic) is a jQuery Mobile based prototyping tool. It’s been succeeded by Ionic Creator.

Concept.ly ↗

Import images, connect screens, present.

Craft by InVision ↗

InVision acquired SilverFlows to create prototypes directly within Sketch. This is a huge win for InVision and Sketch users.

Demonstrate App

An iOS app for importing images and quickly creating prototypes.

Evolus Pencil ↗

A free and open source prototyping tool to be used across-platform.

Evrybo ↗

Prototyping with a twist that includes user testing, heatmaps, and analytics.

Figma ↗

Everyone’s favorite web-based Sketch competitor now has prototyping! No animation yet, but it’s coming along.

Flinto ↗

“Next-generation” prototyping tool with custom animations, gestures, and Sketch Import.

Flinto Lite ↗

A web-based prototyping app for creating iOS and Android prototypes from existing screen designs.

Floid.io ↗

(The website is currently down. It may have fallen prey to the great prototyping arms race.)

Fluid UI ↗

Design or upload screens, connect them, and perform user testing.

Frontify Workspace ↗

A web-based prototyping tool that has some light touches of handoff and collaboration.

Form ↗

Build and customize native prototypes directly on device. Acquired by Google.

Framer ↗

A powerhouse app that combines Javascript with the layers imported from your favorite apps (Sketch, Figma, Photoshop)

Fuse ↗

Build native iOS and Android apps using “UX code.”

Hotgloo ↗

An in-browser wireframe and prototyping tool.

Hunch App ↗

A simple hot-spot based prototyping app with collaborative features like sharing and commenting.

IBAnimatable ↗

A Mac app for creating app-store ready apps that compile straight to Swift.

InVision ↗

An industry titan that has expanded from simple screen transition prototyping to handoff, Sketch plugins, and more.

Indigo Studio ↗

Screen-to-screen prototyping with a twist: user testing analytics and tracking.

Ionic Creator

A drag-and-drop tool to create real code prototypes with the popular hybrid app development kit, Ionic.

iRise ↗

A drag-and-drop tool that boasts its ability to use real data.

JustInMind ↗

Another of the more mature prototyping apps, with a full suite of collaborative tools.

Keynote ↗

Yep, the presentation software for Mac. It can create animations and prototypes with surprising accuracy.

Kite Compositor ↗

It’s been described as After Effects meets Principle meets Javascript.

Koncept App ↗

Prototyping with user testing prompts and heat maps.

Lucidchart ↗

A diagramming tools for creating user flows with a dash of prototyping.

Macaw ↗

R.I.P. Acquired by InVision and shut down 😵

Marvel ↗

An in-browser tools for micro-animations and interactivity that plays well with Sketch.

Mitya ↗

A surprisingly lesser known tool that imports from Sketch, works with Framer, and … it’s free.

Mirr.io ↗

A nifty Sketch plugin to create prototypes from right within Sketch.

Mocking Bot ↗

A browser-based prototyping tool with some interesting functionality, like exporting as a mobile app.

Mockplus ↗

Native Windows and Mac apps for prototypes that can be viewed on iOS and Android.

Moqups ↗

A browser-based tool with some cool functionality, like diagramming user flows.

Neonto ↗ React Studio ↗

A tool for building React apps using a visual interface.

Neonto Native Studio ↗

A tool for building native apps using a visual interface.

Noodl ↗

Create logic and functionality using a node diagram approach.

Notable by Zurb

One piece of Zurb’s suite for designing with feedback, user testing, and more (formerly called Solidify).

Omnigraffle ↗

A graphic design and diagramming tool that leverages prototyping powers too.

Origami Studio ↗

Facebook’s answer to Quartz Composer is a prototyping tool built using node diagrams.

POP Prototyping on paper ↗

Acquired by Marvel, this app got popular by allowing the creation of prototyping with just a camera and a phone.

Pidoco ↗

A prototype builder centered around simple components for user testing.

Pixate ↗

R.I.P. Acquired by Google and shut down 😵

Presentator.io ↗

A free and open-source alternative to the prototyping craze. Free forever!

Principle ↗

A popular tool that leverages state transitions to create micro-animations, a la Keynote.

Proto.io ↗

A well-known browser-based tool for prototyping and micro-animations that plays well with Sketch.

ProtoPie ↗

A Mac app with some impressive functionality under the hood, like using device sensors and accelerometer.

Protoshare ↗

A browser-based tool for creating and sharing prototypes.

Prott App ↗

A browser-based tool with a suite of apps for creating and testing prototypes across multiple devices.

Subform ↗

The Kickstarter-funded app that promised to bring CAD-like powers to interface design.

Tumult Hype ↗

A drag-and-drop tool that boasts its ability to export HTML5.

UXPin ↗

A popular browser-based tool that has expanded its skillset to include things like developer handoff.

Webflow ↗

Actually intended for creating production websites, this drag-and-drop tool can make for a quick prototyping tool.

Weld ↗

Seeks to “create digital content without code.” It’s like graphic design meets Webflow.

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